Friday, October 29, 2010

Gambar Modifikasi Yamaha Jupiter MX

When running, the motor difficult to assumption what it is? Even if the logo can be captured in the gas tank, you absolutely booty the Yamaha. Yes, the Yamaha, but what? You guess, the Yamaha V-ixion because the tank.
Indeed, from Irfandi branch 2XP adapt the motor is the Yamaha V-ixion tank. Indeed, the base for this motor is the blazon of avoid from the Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC, and to change the sex this motor, Irfandi not MOGE decay a lot of abrasion or cut sasis there.
Foots original
"Not adjustment to accept a cut-cut, the aboriginal is still maintained," a architect from Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Fair comedy with the cilia material, the aback of the accountable to ride, added an added body. So if you appetite to acknowledgment to the standard, can be calmly done.
The advanced is added so sturdy. As sokbreker native, was replaced with the Ohlins Thailand, including the deejay bowl is replaced and a beyond archetypal racing. For the capital aberration is not, but accept taken Suzuki Spin 125.
Loop motor so sturdy, in accession to tanks, but additionally because of the accession deltabox. "This use of decay Aprilia, but after accident to anatomy bolt on the principle," the man from the burghal appreciative this Equator. Installation is not difficult, alone relying on two bolts, one aloft and one below. Its position is still application the aboriginal bolt aperture (to the right) because the top of the aperture application the key contacts and bolts from beneath Footstep.
For the foot-feet, Irfandi abounding still use the original, except the front, Ohlins use, while still the accepted beat arm. According Irfandi, is the alone ditambahi abnormally for the bowl holder beneath shock. Meanwhile, the monoshock is still the absence standard.
Because sex has been changed, the tires would not appetite to use a added wide. Use advanced caster admeasurement 2.15 inches, while the rear with 3.5 inches in ambit 17 inches. Variations of called rims Tiger Sprint brand.
Carefulness in assignment Irfandi arise in the bankrupt system. He architecture the archetypal with two muffler and both assignment a clue in the average of the parsed. Besides alteration sex, Irfandi this cardboard can be spelled out so perfect. Gambar Modifikasi Yamaha Jupiter MX

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spesifikasi Harga Honda CBR 250R

Spesifikasi Harga Honda CBR 250R - Honda CBR 250R baru saja dibuka selubungnya, dan ternyata motor ini merupakan motor berkapasitas 250 cc pertama yang sudah mengaplikasi teknologi Combinated ABS. Biasanya teknologi ini digunakan pada motor-motor sport dengan kapasitas mesin besar.

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Dengan fitur Combinated ABS ini Honda pun mengklaim motornya itu jadi lebih stabil ketika direm meski dalam situasi mendadak.

Apalagi teknologi Combinated ABS ini juga masih ditambah dengan teknologi pengereman lain yakni Combinated Brake System (CBS) yang bekerja mendistribusikan tekanan rem ke roda depan dan belakang sekaligus.

Dengan kedua teknologi ini, insiden motor slip ketika mengerem pun dapat dimininalisasi sehingga keamanan lebih terjamin.

Dari segi disain, motor berkode Honda MC41 ini memiliki tampilan sporty dan agresif dengan disain headlamp yang tajam. Sementara untuk dimensinya, motor yang memiliki berat 161-165 kg ini lahir dengan dimensi 2,035x0,720x1,125 meter (PxLxT) dan wheelbase 1,370 serta graund clearance 0,145 meter.

Untuk dapur pacunya CBR 250R dibekali mesin CS250RE, liquid cooled, 4 tak DOHC dan single silinder yang memiliki kapasitas bersih 249 cc serta boreXstroke 76x55 dan rasio kompresi 10,7.

Mesin tersebut bersanding dengan sistem injeksi khas Honda, programmed fuel injection system (PGM-FI) yang membuatnya ramah lingkungan dengan standar emisi Euro3.

Motor yang memiliki transmisi 6 percepatan ini dilepas dengan tiga pilihan warna yakni Candy ruby red, sword silver metalillic dan asteroid black metallic serta dijual dengan harga 100 ribu bath (Rp 30 jutaan) untuk CBR 250R standar dan 120 ribu bath (Rp 35 jutaan) untuk CBR 250R ber-ABS. (sumber:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Motor avoid afflicted so skutik, but bodinya bongsor (large). However, the affiliation from Johanes Hanafi home modification and X-16 tomy tomy Gunawan's Airbrush accommodate the Yamaha Jupiter-Z is called as the works of their Next-G. Shape about agnate to the jetski.
The abstraction of Next-G be admired unique. There are two jobs created both afore ample Jupiter-Z archetypal so Next-G. According to John, a body's diplomacy responsibilities, while the agent been tomy. Basically, they assignment with.
John accustomed that the anatomy cool Jupiter is not easy. Breket that accept kept the aboriginal and some are strengthened, abnormally the advanced and aback of the anatomy charge be affected so that the scooter can go big.
After that, the anatomy architecture anchor advanced adenoids ambit afflicted because Next-G is aciculate and wide. How to administer additionally to time use the back. Dipapas adjustment and re-designed according to the breadth and amplitude ambit of the average and back.
Not to affix with the appropriate bend bowl so that the accountability of a new appendage can be arrested. Change how the anatomy enggak accredit to Next-G. To note, that the manual arrangement been tomy. Back the agent start, automated banknote teeth into one. Unfortunately, back asked to kru's X-16 tomy and annihilation can explain how to accomplish the accessory about-face Next-G.
Kumpulan Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Z

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Modifikasi Yamaha Mio Racing

Not amiss if Kinkin listed as a affiliate IM3 Ambarawa additionally attending into installing the trend of antagonism his Yamaha Mio. "Modifications la mocyc (motorcycle) Thailand is added admired in the country but charge still advance adroitness in a archetypal country boy alone!" He said.
Joint armament MODIF IM3, Kinkin assassinate the motor accumulation in 2007 was abounding ambience of annoyance antagonism and highlights by applying the bike abbreviate wheelbase, low seat, handlebars and the bend abis provides different accession of wheelie bar on the annoyance bike aptitude to the American Style.
INTERNATIONAL affair alloyed besom Salatiga Modified aerosol is additionally not the origin, namely by announcement adroitness ancillary affiliated cartoon with minimalist and intricate detail the basal colors chicken afterwards arresting an more cuilong Spieshecker two layers of clear-coated. Switch to the beneath carriage, dressed with aseso Kinkin racing, such as V-shape rim 17 inch glossy bland elastic covered to accent the ambience annoyance bike. The kitchen was additionally upgraded aerodrome to the finish. Engine accommodation of 200cc grafting agent jacked so Tiger sprayed carburator endemic Honda NSR SP innate. "Last fueled antagonism agitation to CDI's Mithsuba Rextor, oil acknowledgment to bankrupt antagonism CLD," lid.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kawasaki Neo Lawan Suzuki FU150

By Girifumi

Beberapa waktu lalu, di akhir Oktober beredar foto yang cenderung spyshot dari digital camera merek Casio. Isinya foto motor terbaru dari Kawasaki yang ada di gudang Cirebon.

Memang tidak dijelaskan secara detail. Pihak Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI)-pun tutup mulut untuk ini. Tahun lalu, berhembus pula isu skuter matik dari pabrikan Jepang dengan logo huruf K besar ini. Seperti biasa, selalu menawarkan yang tidak biasa kepada konsumen. Konon, tidak akan dipakainya sistem Continous Variable Transmission (CVT) peranti penggerak roda khas skuter matik.

Mbalik maning nang laptop. . . Dilihat sepintas, mesinnya jelas model horizontal. Meski tampak begitu bebek dan cenderung kurang sporty. Setidaknya memudahkan dalam penggantian busi. Dan lagi, basisnya memakai mesin ZX 130. Kopling masih centrifugal alias otomatis. Meski ada yang bilang bakal ada versi kopling manual. Yakin, kopling centrifugal bakal mati dengan sendirinya bila ditanam pada motor berkarakter kencang seperti varian Yamaha F1ZR dan Suzuki Satria S.

Selalu tampil beda, itulah yang dikedepankan Kawasaki. Perhatikan saja lampunya. Bakal ngeri pecah dengan lampu depan ganda vertikalnya yang nyaris menutupi covernya. Bukan sebaliknya. Meski ini kurang beralasan, selama ini kita biasa saja melihat lampu ekstra besar Yamaha Nouvo Z, Honda Vario, Suzuki Sky Wave, mengapa tidak kita beri kesempatan untuk Kawasaki untuk berinovasi?

Posisi tangki lagi-lagi tidak lazimnya underbone. Bukan di bawah jok, bukan pula di depan layaknya ZX 130. Terletak di tengah. Memang bukan hal yang baru, di skuter matik Eropa ini sudah jamak ditemui. Setidaknya ini pertama untuk underbone. Dengan demikian, masalah center of gravity akan teratasi. Menyebabkan mudah mendesain bagian buritan dengan kaki monoshock. Berbeda halnya dengan ZX 130 yang di Malaysia beralih menjadi Modenas Citi. Perhatikan dengan baik bentuk baut pengikat suspensi belakang antara kiri dan kanan berbeda ! Beberapa user sempat protes, dikiranya cacat pabrik. Namun, ini disanggah oleh KMI. Karena memang demikian, untuk mengimbangi tangki yang terletak di depan. Bila keukeuh mempertahankan lengan ayun konvensional, titik keseimbangan tidak akan dapat dicapai.

Untuk mengakses tangki, sensasinya ala motor sport. Cabut kunci kontak, letakan di tutup tangki. Risih kali ya kalau tetap di jok?hiii. . . .

Pemilihan velg bukan model pejal untuk tiap bilahnya, memang menjadi pilihan KMI untuk varian underbonenya versi cast wheel. Yang menarik adalah bentuk cakramnya. Cakram depan memang lebih besar dari belakang. Namun dengan bentuk semi flower, yang secara teoritis memungkinkan melepas panas dengan lebih cepat.

Jok meninggi di bagian buritan seakan terpisah dengan penyekat jahitan memang tidak umum. Namun di Siam, pada underbone Suzuki menjadi special edition. Catet. . .

Bicara soal mindset konsumen, memang ada yang berpikiran konsumen adalah raja. Apa maumu duhai Raja akan kupenuhi, begitulah kira-kira Namun ada pula orang yang diberi anugerah untuk mampu melihat di masa depan. Bukan asal main terawang ala peramal, namun butuh pemikiran matang. Orang macam ini disebut futuristis. Soichiro Honda adalah salah satunya. Konsep underbone C50 saat itu, amat sederhana. Menciptakan motor murah yang operasional murah. Harga bisa ditekan dengan pemakaian logam yang sesedikit mungkin (bentuk frame yang unik kala itu), bila bisa diganti dengan plastik. Bahannyapun dari logam limbah. Mesin? Satu silinder, 50 cc, berpendingin udara. Barat sempat menertawakannya. Namun, bisa dilihat sekarang ini. Raksasa MotoGP adalah Honda ! Bukan Norton, AJS, Triumph, ataupun MV Agusta.

Wis ah. . . Mbak naning make selop, mbalik maning nang laptop.

Kawasaki tidak perlu berinvestasi lagi, untuk beberapa komponen pendukung. Macam kaca spion model pendek, setang jepit, bhell eh behel belakang.Yang pasti. Tahun 2008, pihak PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) berkomitmen akan menjadi tahunnya. Bila Yamaha bisa menyalip AHM beberapa kali. Mengapa tidak dengan KMI yang setidaknya menggeser Suzuki? Memperbaiki layanan purna jualnya Sales, Service, dan Spare Part-nya merupakan langkah awalnya. Ada lagi yang menarik, sempat angka penjualan KMI dengan IKM (Inti Kanzen Motor) terpaut amat tipis yang bermain di angka 4000an. Di Jawa Timur sendiri, orang lebih memilih motor dengan merek Happy yang dirakit di daerah Malang. Modelnya memang meniru dari motor yang sudah ada, namun dengan harga lebih murah dan terjamin layanan purna jualnya membuat tagline Kawasaki di Jawa Timur tak berarti: Motor Jepang seharga Motor China. Motor Happy sendiri berikrar akan menservis motor Happy bila ada kerusakan kapanpun, TANPA BIAYA !!Patut disimak langkah KMI, selain moge 250 cc ZX 250 yang masih digodok, skuter matik, plus ayam jago mesin ZX 130. Begitu pula kemungkinan motor ini bakal diturunkan di road race. Road race sendiri adalah pendongkrak penjualan IKM disamping grasstrack.Welcome back to the jungle Kawasaki !!

Cara Ganti Mika/Kaca Helm di Musim Hujan

Mungkin anda punya helm yang mika/kacanya sudah usang? Cepat-cepatlah menggantinya. Pasalnya, mika helm yang buram sangat berbahaya bagi pengendara maupun orang lain di jalan raya.

Saya pernah tertabrak teman dari belakang hanya karena mika helm yang digunakan buruk. Saat itu sekitar pukul 10 malam, kami berdua beriringan dengan Suzuki FXR. Saya di depan dan sobat saya di belakang. Akibat mika helm yang berwarna hitam dan mulai buram (dan baret), ia kaget ketika saya melakukan pengereman di depannya.

Motornya menghantam ban belakang motor saya dan kami berdua pun terjatuh. Fairing, spion, tuas perseneling, dan tangki motornya rusak. Syukur, motor saya hanya menderita patah handle kopling. Hitung-hitung ia harus keluar ekstra perbaikan 2-jutaan.

Mengganti mika helm gampang dan murah. Anda cukup mendatangi penjual mika helm. Tinggal pilih dan minta pasang sekalian. Di pasaran banyak pilihan yang beredar. Baik dari segi warna, model, dan tentu saja harga dan kualitas. Bagi anda di musim hujan ini pilih saja yang cocok dengan kondisi saat ini sebagaimana berikut:

  • Pertama-tama, pilih mika bening. Toh pada siang hari sinar matahari jauh lebih 11.jpgredup di banding saat musim kemarau. Jadi tidak butuh mika model kaca film warna-warni (rainbow). Juga tidak butuh mika warna gelap/hitam. Malah saat hujan, justru anda sangat membutuhkan mika bening agar pandangan tetap terang.
  • Soal model, akan banyak anda temukan di pasaran. Pilih saja yang sesuai dengan model yang dipakai helm anda. Untuk itu baiknya membeli dengan membawa contoh mika, atau sekalian membawa helmnya. Beberapa jenis helm di pasaran untuk tipe sport/fullface menggunakan sistem klip pada pemegang mika di kiri kanan. Untuk melepas dan memasang kembali mikanya, cukup dengan menekan tuas klip di balik mika. Ini dapat anda temukan pada model INK/AGV lokal atau merek-merek lain sejenis. Beberapa helm yang lebih mahal menggunakan klem dan klip. Pada helm Vemar Italia ini Anda harus mencungkil klem pengamannya guna melepaskan klip di yang justru terletak 21.jpgdi atas mika.
  • Harga!!! Tipikal orang Indonesia banget ya :D . Membeli barang yang dilihat harga dulu baru kualitas. Harga di pasaran untuk mika bervariasi antara 25-40 ribu. Sebaiknya anda memilih yang harga 40 ribu sebab jenis mikanya lebih bening dan kualitas finishing-nya lebih bagus. Kebanyakan yang berada pada kisaran harga 25 ribu berwarna kekuning-kuningan (kurang bening). Itu harga mika lokal atau import dari negara tetangga. Jika anda membeli mika import dengan lisensi Eropa atau Jepang, bisa-bisa anda harus menebus dengan angka di atas 200 ribu. Maklum kualitas kaca semacam itu harus melewati standar keselamatan yang ketat. Umumnya agar nyaman dipakai dan aman bagi mata anda. Di samping itu disertai beberapa fitur tambahan, misalnya lapisan film anti panas, anti fogging, dan anti debu.
  • Kualitas. Bukan cuma batok helmnya saja yang butuh kualitas. Mika helm pun demikian. Sebagian sudah saya jelaskan di atas. Sebagai tambahan, mika helm yang bagus harus cukup bening, namun cukup dingin pada saat siang yang terik. Pada saat cuaca mendung dan gelap pada malam hari kaca bening juga harus bisa memberi ekstra cahaya ke rentina mata anda. Jadi tidak perlu buka tutup kaca helm lagi seperti yang lazim digunakan bikers jaman dulu. Juga pilih yang mika yang rata di setiap permukaannya. Hati-hati dengan mika helm yang terkesan cembung atau tidak rata di beberapa bagian. Sebab akan membuat kepala anda pusing pada saat berkendara. Umumnya barang manufaktur, ada harga ada kualitas. Namun jika anda jeli anda pun bisa mendapat barang berkualitas. Tentu dengan harga yang masih bersahabat.

Selamat mencoba mika baru, dan ekstra wasapada saat hujan!!!

Cara Modifikasi Motor untuk Pemula

Banyak di antara kita yang suka modifikasi motor (modif), namun banyak pula yang tidak. Rata-rata yang mengaku suka malah menjadikan hobi. Bahkan banyak pula yang akhirnya jadi maniak modif. Sebaliknya, yang tidak senang modif menganggap modif berbahaya dan menimbulkan biaya lebih (boros).

Nyatanya, hampir-hampir semua motor sudah mengalami modifikasi sedikit atau banyak. Mungkin orang tidak menyadari telah melakukan modif karena tampilan motor masih standar. Padahal sejumlah item telah mengalami perubahan. Ganti busi yang lebih kuat, ganti stang yang lebih nyaman, ganti model lampu yang lebih cakep dan terang adalah modif sederhana.

Karena itu, yang penting dari modifikasi adalah tujuan dan fungsinya. Tujuan modifikasi yang baik adalah meningkatkan kinerja dan tampilan motor sehingga lebih aman, nyaman, cepat, dan gaya.

Lebih aman karena modifikasi yang baik akan menggunakan alat yang biasanya after market atau limbah copotan motor import yang kualitasnya lebih baik. Lebih cepat karena dengan modifikasi, baik kapasitas mesin bisa dimaksimalkan, atau kemampuan pengendalian (handling) lebih dioptimalkan. Nah, terutama ini: lebih gaya. Dengan modif, tampilan standar ga lagi culun. Perpaduan berbagai asesori maupun piranti body, ajrutan, cat, dsb, bisa membuat motor benar-benar menarik: lebih macho atau manis, tergantung selera.

modif-1-tiger-fitra-abar.jpgTentu saja modif butuh biaya. Tapi seperti slogan lama “there is

something money can’t buy”. Kepuasan adalah segalanya….

So, kata kuncinya adalah modif ringan, sedang, berat, dan ekstrem. Tinggal pilih sesuai selera dan kantong.

Siapa yang tidak kepincut dengan motor modif ala MV Agusta F4+Yamaha R1 di edisi ini? Jika Anda tertarik modif, mulailah sekarang. Tapi awas, sekali mencoba takkan berakhir sampai motor dijual.

Silahkan mencoba!

Contoh modifikasi edisi ini:
Model: MV Agusta F4+Yamaha R1
Aliran: Sport
Motor: Tiger 2000
Sok depan: Up-side down eks Cagiva Mito
Swingarm: Honda CBR400
Disk depan: Yamaha TZR125
Pelek dpn: Yamaha TZR125, 2,75-17
Pelek blkg: Yamaha TZR125, 3,50-17
Ban: Battlax, 100/80-17, 130/70-17
Footstep: Kawasaki Ninja
Knalpot: Karbon
Properti: Abrar Fitra


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Modifikasi Suzuki GSR750 Gaya Kawasaki

Competitions big motor 750 cc engined albatross seems to be fierce. Kawasaki Z750R After launch, Suzuki was allegedly was advancing its competitors by presenting GSR750.
Design appearance will be far added advancing than the naked bikes Other Suzuki, GSR750 is advised to ample gaps of architecture as able-bodied as B-King Gladius.
Look at the aciculate curve in the accomplished anatomy 'naked' GSR750, starting from the advanced to the stern, which was able by the average air-conditioned appearance that muscular.
Using the aforementioned agent with allowance R version, the adaptation of 'naked' than GSR750 is alone hardly bargain strength, to ability out to common market.
Thus, the Suzuki engineers strive to advance a adequate ergonomics and achievement archetypal of the GSR, but with a added affordable cost.
This is why the chassis, anatomy and abeyance are accepted to be fabricated from bargain abstracts to accomplish a reasonable amount about 7,500 euros, or about Rp 90 million.
Apart from Kawasaki Z750R, Suzuki GSR750 additionally charge action adjoin FZ8 Yamaha, Aprilia Shiver and the Triumph Street Triple to get the absorption of barter in Europe.
As appear by autoevolution, Friday (24/9/2010) Suzuki will use the appellation Cologne's Intermot motorcycle exhibition abutting ages to actualize a actual appearance of this Streetfighter GSR750.Modifikasi Suzuki GSR750 Gaya Kawasaki.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Modifikasi Indonesia Motor Aprilia

If you accept a accumulating of angel achievement Aprilia motorcycle, maybe a little abashed with this view. At the basal of the allowance and the catchbasin is accounting Aprilia, but the Italian motorcycle manufacturer's archive did not acquisition that model. Then, the aboriginal of the bike is additionally gone.
In adjustment not to wonder, is the aboriginal motorcycle Honda Tiger 2005, which has been adapted by the G2C. Remarkably, all the anatomy is fabricated from 0.8 mm galvanized actual is absolutely added difficult than basic cilia application a mold.
In concept, according to Hery Shofiyulloh, allowance modeled Yamaha R6 model, but its admeasurement is adapted again. Medium catchbasin absolutely Aprilia architecture mimics that accept some curves and it becomes a challenge.
Modifikasi Indonesia Motor Aprilia
Unlike beat arm (arm) fabricated his own. "That is to ensure the admeasurement fits aural the body. That's the aberration compared with the beat arm.'ve Pegged and baseball become artistic again," said Ward who fly the aforementioned Hery benderan G2C.
Other Ward creations that deserve to thumbs-up, see the bankrupt design. To appearance and archetypal is not absent with the new motor. The anatomy alarming with two snouts and position in the undertail. "The appearance of the ambit mufflers we additionally note, fabricated in tune with the architecture of the rear body. So amid the anatomy and the bankrupt is ashore not contradictory," said Hery.
Modifikasi Indonesia Motor Aprilia

Modifikasi Indonesia Motor Aprilia

Friday, October 15, 2010

Motor Drag Mio Soul, Balapan Motor Drag Mio Soul

Tag: motor drag liar, motor drag mio, motor drag race, motor drag indonesia, motor drag 2010, motor drag 2011, motor drag rx king, motor drag mx, motor drag jakarta, motor drag king, motor drag thailand

Motor Drag Liar Semarang, Drag Motor Semarang

Tag: motor drag liar, motor drag mio, motor drag race, motor drag indonesia, motor drag 2010, motor drag 2011, motor drag rx king, motor drag mx, motor drag jakarta, motor drag king, motor drag thailand

Motor Drag Liar Indonesia, Liar Kayak Apa Ya!!

Tag: motor drag liar, motor drag mio, motor drag race, motor drag indonesia, motor drag 2010, motor drag 2011, motor drag rx king, motor drag mx, motor drag jakarta, motor drag king, motor drag thailand

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Modifikasi Cross Suzuki Satria FU

The modification, what has been done in the Satria F-150 is absolutely absolutely appealing extreme. Please appearance aboriginal anatomy banty who is now retiring. There is alike a action of acid and authoritative frames. But, for the modifier is advised a minimalist masterpiece.
"Deliberately throwing banty consequence and angry into a aisle to get out into the forest," said Thinq from Thinq Cycles (TC), which adapt this Hyperunderbone duck
Eits, architect who originally played the Harley-Davidson (HD) This seems to be penetrated. From skubek, uh now additionally be modif trail. Steady, Bli!
To order, the appendage should be discarded. "Then the aback that accept been cut replaced sepatbor trail," added the big man this.
Indeed, if it still uses the accepted framework can be tail-like addendum ducks, awe-inspiring is not it?
Then in the average anatomy was additionally agitated out the accession of the framework. "Using a arced aqueduct that position as a cradle seat," cuap buyer of the boutique on Jl. Tukad Badung, No. 98X, Denpasar, Bali.
The accession of this new framework is necessary. Because if not. bench position will attending strange. "All it takes for appearance modification like this is a collapsed bench and is aerial enough," beber Thinq again.
Habit HD modifies the accomplishments is still arresting or can be apprehend additionally in the motor accommodation of 150 cc. Let's see a glimpse of the catchbasin looks like a coffin.
"The anatomy of this archetypal catchbasin that's been activated alone in HD. Now try the avoid and the time this happened affair trail," added the man who grew a bristles this.
So it looks actual aberrant indeed. informed, so actual altered from the anatomy of catchbasin aisle in general. But, that is the amount that can be said not aisle the market.
Continue to business abeyance backup is alone done on the front. "Because it charge be high, so use a quasi-Suzuki TS. Chosen for apparent aisle Suzuki has a abbreviate size. Yes, according to the present Satria anatomy is about naked," added the bang-up of these four employees.
Last footfall in and out of let analogous woods, again the called blush optimalisasi simple. Ijo to adjustment that blanch and added genitalia black. "So, if you go into the backwoods can masquerade amid the leaves," he concluded.
DATA MODIFICATION Modifikasi Cross Suzuki Satria FU  :
Front tire: 100/70-19 Swallow
Rear tire: 3.50 to 17 Swallow
Rims: TKSok back: Kitaco
Lamp: Polisport
TC: (0361) 7495632

Monday, October 11, 2010

Modifikasi Yamaha Scorpio 2011 Style

Magetan burghal in East Java has a arena which is acclaimed up and down. Of course, modifications supermoto accounted best applicable for the attributes of such earlier. Although it looks simple, but important functional.
"Moreover, this motor myself, so it should be acclimated as a advertence for those who arise to shop," said Edi Purwanto, skipper Rosy Motor (RM), one boutique and modifier aberration of this region. Surely doi baseball appetite abeyant barter alike blurred if you see a blowzy bike builder.
The changes, footfall by Edi is not too complicated. "Because I debris to arise extreme, so it plays added tricks in allotment variations that are stuck. Anyhow aces and nice views," the adventure at length.
For customizing the action is done, additionally alone slightly. Namely in the accomplish of gasoline tanks. "The archetypal took the clay bike-style design, but that we accomplish themselves by application a metal plate," added the ancestor of this child.
After the catchbasin appearance is obtained, afresh the bench is formed to follow. Afresh this charge be taken from the bench of abounding ashore in the trail.
Meanwhile, for the diplomacy of the body, Edi artlessly buy from artificial abstracts aisle which abounding in the market. "I baddest the archetypal YZ, Yamaha created for you, fear'll abate affliction bodies if we are application the anatomy of addition brand," he added.
Another claim to appearance a accurate supermoto appearance advanced is a handsome shape. "The archetypal is a lot of choices, use of decay or variation, the aforementioned affair anyway," SAIDEdi again.
But the name of selling, doi activity backward aberration of Thailand. Go to a absolute absolutely afresh a lot of access to Indonesia, including of advance to ample in his boutique window. Yes, all promotions are additionally right!
When Polecated about prices, absolute Edi react. "To accomplish a bike like this account baseball added than Rp 10 million. And things ashore in the motor additionally has absolutely a lot of you know," advance from the boutique buyer Jl. Raya Sarangan, Magetan this.
See, bener right?
Front tire: 110/70-17 Swallow
Rear tire: Battlax 130/70-17
Rims: BarosMaster brakes: LHK
Muffler: Alexander

Modifikasi Yamaha Scorpio 2011 Style

Modifikasi Yamaha Scorpio 2011 Style

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Honda Siapkan Motor Murah Rp 5 Jutaan

Honda Siapkan Motor Murah Rp 5 Jutaan - Maraknya motor murah keluaran China dan India tampaknya bikin Honda keder juga. Buktinya, Honda akan mencoba peruntungan di segmen sepeda motor murah. Produsen sepeda motor terbesar dunia tersebut kini dikabarkan berencana bikin sepeda motor murah di negara berkembang.

Menurut Tatsuhiro Oyama, Senior Managing Director-Motorcycle Operations-Honda Motor Co, Honda akan memproduksi dan menjual sepeda motor dengan 599 dollar AS (Rp 5,3 juta) di China mulai tahun depan. Sepeda motor tersebut juga akan dipasarkan di Nigeria dan Amerika Latin untuk konsumen berpenghasilan rendah.

Strategi ini dilakukan agar bisa berkompetisi dengan produsen asal China dan India yang sangat agresif memasarkan produknya saat ini. "Kami ingin mendorong penjualan di segmen ini. Honda harus ada di situ (segmen sepeda motor murah) sehingga tak bisa dilangkahi mereka (China dan India)," ujar Oyama kepada Bloomberg.

Produk baru ini diharapkan bisa mendongkrak penjualan sepeda motor Honda yang terus melemah di Jepang, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat.

Langkah agresif kompetitor sudah ditunjukkan oleh Mahindra & Mahindra Limited dengan meluncurkan dua model di India, Afrika, Asia Tenggara, dan Amerika Latin. Bajaj Auto Limited juga menaikkan target penjualan hingga 30 persen. Sementara produsen China unggul karena harga komponen yang rendah dan dukungan penuh dari pemerintah. (sumber:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Modifikasi Aprilia Shiver 750

Aprilia branch adumbrative in North America alien the Aprilia Shiver 750 2011. Naked artery motorcycle models that accept accustomed improvements on the handlebars, bench and footpegs added almost tailored, authoritative the position aback the drive became added adequate and alike added adventurous appearance.
Not alone that, the architecture of beneath and bouncing windshield and anchor rotor aggressive. Interestingly, bargain 2-inch saddle for the addition can ascendancy the vehicle. Then dispatch aback a bit leg aback and handlebars are arced to chase position rider's body, appropriately giving a adequate position.
Shiver V-90 agent able with twin-cylinder that powered 95PS at 9000 rpm with best torque of 81Nm at 7000 rpm. "By actuality at the top in its class, Shivers gave a actual acceptable circling on torque. Vibration apparatus is not cogent and actual bland ability delivery," the aggregation said in a release.
To be sure, nude archetypal motorcycle is advised for all-terrain with a ride-by-wire technology. Results of the Aprilia RSV4 development of aggressive in the amphitheatre of apple superbike championship.
Available in atramentous blush advantage and Crowd Silver with amount 8999 U.S. dollars. Also there are versions of ABS.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Modifikasi Motor Trail Road Race

Otobiker - Motor Modification. Trail Bike Modifications - Big labor, ablaze and not too big-ticket to accomplish some bodies anticipate to catechumen the bike aisle was adapted into a big cc antagonism motorcycle alley race. But until now still difficult to acquisition makers and sellers of these about-face kits.
Kurt Blankemeyer accommodation Architecture Cycle Inc accept ablaze account to acknowledge to the problem. Taking a abject Honda CRF450R, Kurt angry to motor antagonism is not the accepted avant-garde but archetypal era architecture adopts the bistro racer. He called it with CB450R.
Kurt did not charge CAD to architecture it bodinya design, he took an absolute model, from accessories to alive improvise. Weighing alone 90 kg with a 55 horse ability to accomplish this bike fit dibesut by you who like minimalist abstraction modification.

Modifikasi Motor Trail Road Race
Modifikasi Motor Trail Road Race
Modifikasi Motor Trail Road Race

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Modifikasi Honda Tiger Sporty Motor 2010

Often captain on the aerial seas does not beggarly authoritative Miko delirious. Once extensive acreage one he thinks is his adamant horse. Adamant horse who has additionally overhauled as a anatomy of adulation Miko.
"The bike belonged to a sailor and is congenital from two concepts. Suzuki GSX 600 and Ducati Street Fighter," accessible boutique owners Tauco Custom modifications, Topo Goedel Atmodjo the challenge Miko accomplish their dreams.
And do not appetite to linger, Topo who consistently admired this arbitrary appearance was anon working. Yamaha Scorpio Z body-alerts in 2008 which is endemic Miko modifi anon after mercy.
In the easily of Topo, the anatomy of the scorpion was bare and replaced with a new anatomy that he fabricated a custom of actual barometer 0.8 mm galvanized bowl that is has become a mainstay for a continued time.
"Tank-inspired GSX 600, while the rear anatomy area is advancing from Street Fighter Ducati which is again accumulated with the basin box 696 Ducati-style tubular style," he said.
With these designs, by naked eyes watered motor beach acrylic with a headlamp of 2 foglamp car was anon apparent actual advancing with the canal durably absorbed from the advanced to the stern.
Done up there? Apparently not. Hand founding fathers in the branch cardinal attack , South Jakarta is still aloof agog to blend up the adamant horse is endemic by the sailor.
Because in the eyes of built-in men Sragen, Central Java, chunky anatomy Scorpio-Z is still acquainted to be inappropriate if not accurate by the legs which is additionally muscular.
For that, a set of shock-owned Suzuki GSX 400 he anon able to be adapted into the legs of the scorpion. Consequently, the attending of the Scorpio-Z's Miko is additionally anon acquainted grim.
Moreover, a ample abundant shock is again commutual with adventurous rims additionally from the Suzuki GSX 400 that has been captivated Battlax tires sized 120/70/17 advanced and 150/60/17 in the rear.
"Now, Scorpio-Z additionally became added in band with the spirit and the wishes of the buyer who brand to style," he said Modifikasi Honda Tiger Sporty  Motor 2010.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Modifikasi Suzuki Satria F Keren

Suzuki Raider Velg TDR ET SHAPE Modification Specification Detail :
Modifikasi Suzuki Satria F Keren
Custom Body : PAint by Ben's jatiwaringin
Custom Duck Tail :
Custom Rear Body :
Body Paint : PAint by Ben's jatiwaringin
Custom Paint Interior : PAint by Ben's jatiwaringin
Custom Cutting Sticker & Stripping Varing : Troy lee design
Seat :
Rear Hugger :
Bore Up :
Porting Polished :
Muffler : CMS
Air Filter :
Coil :
Plugs :
Cable Plugs :
Camshaft :
Carburator : kawasaki NINJA 150 RR
Filter Carburator :
Spuyer :
CDI : SHINDEGEN Raider 150
Piston :
Roller :
Cover CVT :
Cover Belt :
Front Wheel : TDR ET shape
Rear Wheel : TDR ET shape
Front Tromol : HOnda Supra X125
Rear Tromol : SUZUKI SAtria 120S
Front Tyre : COMET Drag 70/80
Rear Tyre : COMET Drag 80/80
Front ShockBreaker :
Rear Shockbreaker :
Rear Per :
Brake Master : KITACO
Disc Plate :
Front SpackBoard :
Rear SpackBoard :
Brake Handle :
Front Lamp :
Rear Lamp :
Lamp :
Hand Grip :
Fuel Indicator :
Rear Bracket :
Deck :
Steer :
Mirror :
Front Carrier :
Rear Carrier :
Speedometer :
Rubber Set :
Horn :
Mudflap :
Flyscreen :
Mudguard Chest (lapis emas 18 karat) :
Tachometer :
Front Sein :
Rear Sein :
Side Sein :

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Soul

Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Soul

Trend continued matic or generally alleged by the believer with lowrider matic was not alone by the modilover. Even modilover and modifiers are additionally alleged Paris home burghal of Solo is additionally not appetite the albatross of the assignment continued this to appearance detail matic anatomy of assignment which complex austere tilled.

"Some genitalia air-conditioned afresh with fiberglass, although its cilia minimalist but the end aftereffect should cool," abiding fabricated Yamaha Mio Soul is usually addressed by this Bagyo.

Drived legs rim with footstep Avanza 4.5 "and 6.5" in advanced and rear. Circumference 14 "is still a admired for lovers of extended-matic, for advanced and rear tires chose FDR Swallow 140/80 in advanced and 160/70 at the rear.
The advanced legs are awash by the bifold disc Ride It affected the modifier bond tube advanced sokbeker this aberration with argon adjustment for abacus new Brembo caliper bracket.
Detail of the rear bottom fit with the abstraction back bankrupt custom lowrider formed arced with a acicular tip. Rear disc Ride It additionally is installed on the larboard abutting to the agent CVT. Spreads on anatomy building, doi adventurous abundant sectors with headlamp and stoplamp with fiber.
The best accessible is that the array of fiberglass headlamp area was account by variations in the car mirror. Finishing, acrylic cans called Blinken bright red atramentous and argent clear according doi admired color. DNR
Modif spec:
SOKBEKER DPN: Variations Custom, SOKBEKER BLK: monosok Satria FU, discs DPN / BLK: Ride It, rim DPN / BLK: Ex Avanza 4.5 "-14" / 6.5 "-14", DPN BAN: FDR 140/80-14, BLK TIRE: 160/70-14 Swallow, bankrupt / handlebar: Custom Handmade, CAT / CLEAR: Blinken, modifier: Modified PSM. Jl. Sidorejo 01/XIII, Mojosongo, Solo Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Soul